Wednesday, October 15, 2008

every fall

I sat in my car at a red light, showered by sunshine of fall. so comfortable so warm. imagine myself being the first layer, the song that's playing being the second...
considering processing such high energy in the body, yet upon every deep inhaling of oxygen, we don't self combust!...molecules release shallow energies, but the heart can burn for the missed one...and that's being the third layer...
the forth layer is the leaves and the ants, the ever life cycles, vertically, horizontally, ripples waves tides...
the fifth is the moon; the sixth is the rain. the seventh is turner's fishing boats, beaten down screaming 'marcello!' ~ la dolce vita on the eighth...
ninth, tenth, eleventh.
when I count to twelve, the red will blink into green. my right foot resumes my journey, in this fall. in every fall - a step among all steps.
A big fan

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